Welcome to The Rebound Roadmap, brought to you by Rebound Athletic - an online fitness provider dedicated to helping people rebuild and regain their athletic identity.
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This week, one of my long COVID Rebounders mentioned how she is started to feel anxious about the busy Christmas period, in particular how her energy levels will be affected.
The conversation reminded me that there are 7 types of rest, which I previously posted a summary of here.
In today’s Rebound Roadmap, we will take an in-depth look at the 7 types of rest and learn how to incorporate them into our lives.
After reading this, you will have the tools to feel good rather than frazzled from the Christmas period.
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Impact (10/10)
Ever wondered why you wake up feeling sluggish despite sufficient sleep?
It's because fundamentally sleep and rest are two different things and you may be in a rest deficit.
Rest is physical, emotional, and mental relaxation that allows us to recover from the stress of daily life - essential for our overall health.
Yet most of us overlook rest, which leads to a population of perfectionists and high achievers who feel chronically tired and often burn out.
Work and the workplace are the biggest contributors to our rest deficit. In fact the workplace is now the 5th biggest cause of death in the US, according to recent studies.
We live in a society where rest is seen as weak, lazy even. This mentality get's us into all sorts of trouble.
On a personal note, I have no doubt my previous lifestyle and work stress prior to getting ill was the perfect storm for long covid.
Confidence (8/10)
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, coined the 7 types of rest and has a fantastic 9 minute Ted Talk that I highly recommend watching if you want to improve your wellbeing and quality of life.
Dalton suggests there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for rest, as each type serves a different purpose.
Understanding the 7 types and which ones we are lacking in, can create a more balanced and healthy life.
Physical rest can be passive or active and both serve to give our bodies time to repair and recover. Passive rest is sleeping and napping, while active could be walking, stretching or massage therapy.
Mental rest gives our minds a chance to recharge and better process information from being in a constant stimulated state. To unplug mentally, turn off the news, avoid social media, practice mindfulness and take moments of quiet throughout the day.
Emotional rest is closely linked to social rest, and involves taking time out for yourself to process your emotions. Spend time alone, journaling, practicing self-care and avoiding triggering situations are all types of emotional rest.
Social rest is simply taking a break from social interactions, especially important for introverts who can find socialising particularly draining. Avoid social situations, take a solo walk or lunch break. Spend time with those that fill your bucket not detract from it.
Creative rest means chilling the f*** out from the constant pressure to be producing work. Creative rest can be taking breaks from work, spending time on a hobby or a creative activity like a puzzle, cooking, or knitting. In doing so you are allowing your mind to drift and explore new ideas.
Sensory rest means turning down the the dimmer to reduce stress. We are all over stimulated with screens, lights and noise. Try closing your eyes, having a bath, conscious breathing, turning the telly off or listening to calming music, (after drum and base of course :)).
Spiritual rest is not just for the believers. It means taking time to connect with ourselves and purpose. This can be achieved by meditation, prayer, yoga, volunteering or spending time in nature.
Ease (8/10)
Dalton recommends identifying where you expend most energy, then factor in the type of rest you need to replenish it.
To help with this, she offers a free rest assessment on her website.
I took it and found it to be pretty accurate. It confirmed I need to focus on emotional and mental rest the most.
Not surprising considering I am trying to build a business alongside my corporate job, whilst often find myself shouldering other peoples emotions in business and family life.
To counter this, I plan to set boundaries and take moments of quiet throughout the day.
Final Thoughts
It is unrealistic to suggest to people to slow down. We have to work, provide for our families, connect with friends, keep our bodies fit and strong.
And I don't believe you need to, IF you have a good toolbox of habits to lean into.
Alongside the habits associated with the 7 types of rest, this includes how we fuel our bodies and avoiding excessive alcohol.
Two Christmas's ago, I was bed bound. Last Christmas I was recovering but not drinking and let me tell you it was one of the best Christmas's I had, despite being unwell still.
I guarantee if you avoid or drastically reduce your alcohol, you will have as good but probably better Christmas than usual and feel awesome in the New Year.
Just a thought...
P.S. When you are ready. Here are two more ways I can help you:
The Baseline Club Affordable monthly coaching, to help you perform deliberate movement consistently and safely build back your exercise tolerance, keeping your muscles and joints healthy as you heal from chronic illness. Learn more.
90 Day The Rebound Method. A unique reconditioning program for the detrained body. Build back stronger foundations, recover your exercise habit and prevent injury. Take a closer look.